10 good reasons to refinance
Here are 10 good reasons why you may need to consider mortgage refinancing and debt consolidation advice:
- Consolidate all loans into 1 easy to manage loan, reduce the monthly payments and potentially save interest charges.
- Investing in property or shares and restructuring loans for simplicity and savings or wealth creation.
- Refinancing to a lower interest rate.
- Renovating a home, an excellent opportunity to reassess your loan and possibly access your equity.
- Taking a much needed overseas holiday, financing a wedding or children’s education.
- Purchasing a vehicle the most economical way.
- Looking for the cheapest fixed rate loan.
- To pay off your loans sooner or to restructure your loans for tax effectiveness.
- To start a new business.
- You are unhappy with the service or product offered by your current bank or financier.
For more information, please get in touch.